Maintaining a healthy diet is a key component in leading a healthy lifestyle. Even though people hear this every day, very often it goes in one ear and out the other until something catastrophic or a wake-up call ensues, highlighting just how valuable healthy food and healthy meals are to your physical well-being.
Specifically what is healthy food, or what foods are healthy?
People have their own ideas of what constitutes foods that are healthy vs. those that are not-so-good for you. The food pyramid we learn in grade school becomes forgotten among the sea of choices available to people that market "healthy food" when in fact they barely have any nutrition whatsoever. In general, remember this great tip. If your healthy foods come in a bag, box or bottle; they are probably not so healthy after all. These types of foods have a ton of preservatives, sodium, and additives to give them a longer shelf life. They make people overweight. Fresh veggies, fruits and meats or fishes are the way to go. If you buy them organically, even better!
Diet and nutrition advice for a healthier you - 5 food healthy ideas for healthy eating
1. Incorporate more whole grains and high fiber foods to your diet: The benefits of eating whole grains and high-fiber foods are numerous. They help protect you against diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Foods like bran, beans and fruits and vegetables help with digestion so look to have at least three grams per serving. Remember to drink plenty of water with these foods to keep everything moving. High-fiber foods also help make you feel full, which leads you to eat less overall.
2. Load up on fruits and vegetables: In addition to providing you with fiber, eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day will give you necessary vitamins such as A and C and folic acid. Try to eat as a big a variety of colors as possible, especially dark, leafy greens.
3. Cut back on your salt and sugar intake: Trimming your salt and sugar intake can be easy if you look for simple ways to make cuts here and there. Replace salty snacks with vegetables and sweets like baked goods and candy with fruit. Rinse canned beans before cooking to reduce their sodium content and add less salt to the cooking water of rice and pasta. Avoid the saltshaker when you sit down to eat and drink unsweetened iced tea in place of sugary sodas and juice drinks.
4. Choose foods that are low in fat and cholesterol: Cutting down your bad fat and bad cholesterol intake can make a big difference when you're trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet. When it comes to meat, leaner cuts and lower-fat substitutes such as turkey over pork or sirloin over rib-eyes and stew meat can go a long way in keeping your fat intake in check. Olive oil and canola oil are better for everyday use than vegetable and corn oils and butter or margarine. Also try putting more vegetables and beans on your plate than meat and skip the meat altogether sometimes. Fish provides protein without the bad fats of other meats but they must be prepared in a healthy way like grilling or pan searing to keep their health benefits.
5. Stay active: Try to get up and get moving for 30 to 60 minutes a day and do something you like so you stay motivated to do it every day. You can run, swim, walk, dance, do yoga. Keeping your heart pumping and your body moving prevents diseases, promotes weight loss, builds muscles, improves your mood and improves your sleeping habits and on and on and on
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