Hey! Did you make the right healthy food choices to helpkeep your weight down? If you didn't it's one of the reasonswhy you have gained all those extra pounds. It's also why youcan't get those pounds off and keep them off. These 5 tips willguide you in making the right food choices for you.
1. FruitsOne of the healthiest foods you can consume or fruits. It'simportant for you to eat at least two cups per day. Furthermoreif you vary your selection you are more likely to continue toeat your fruits each day.
One thing you can do to increase the variety is to drink allnatural fruit juices. However, you should make sure not to overindulge in fruit juice.
2. Eating Fresh MeatAs you know meat is one of the primary sources of protein.Moderation in portion sizes is the key to keeping your weightunder control and eating healthy.
Depending on your calorie intake a portion should be from 4to 5 oz. It is important for the meat to be as lean aspossible. Furthermore by baking, grilling or broiling themajority of the grease will drain away from the meat.
You will find by substituting such foods as nuts, fish andbeans you will be able to get the necessary proteins and eathealthier.
3. Milk ProductsChildren need calcium to strengthen their bones. In fact thehuman body needs calcium to stay healthy. However many folksare lactose intolerant and have to substitute Soy products andothers for their calcium content.
You can further contribute to your healthy food choices byusing dairy products which have little or no fat in them.Yogurt is a great alternative for getting calcium and helpingyou lose weight.
4. VeggiesWithout argument vegetables are at the top of the list forhealthy food choices. Great for helping control your weight butstill keeping you healthy; with the right nutrition's andvitamins your body needs.
5. Whole GrainsA well balanced diet to help you stay healthy should includesix oz. of grains. Today's whole grain cereals are much tastierthan the cereals of old.
A great way to get your necessary fruit and grains is to mixthem together. You add flavor and variety to the mix.
If you are a bread lover you should choose whole grainbread. Once again the whole grain breads of today are mucheasier to eat and enjoy.
Now here is a extra tip just for you. Stay away from thefoods that contain a large percentage of trans fats, increasedlevels of sodium and saturated fat. Take the few extra secondsnecessary to check the ingredients on the labels of thecontainers.
It is quite obvious there are many other healthy foodchoices you can make. It is also obvious that appropriateportion size is important to your health and your weight.Furthermore, when you go the extra mile and include physicalexercise with your healthy food choice; you will be evenhealthier and keep your weight under control. Anotherbenefit of eating these types of food is they act as a counterfor various fungal infections such as "/Fungus-On-Skin.html">fungus on skin rashor even worse the dreaded "/Yeast-Infection-In-Throat.html">yeastinfection in throat urgh!
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