Every individual desires to include healthy food in his menu, but then the misconception that eating healthy food is akin to eating bland, tasteless food keeps many people away from eating such food, even as they start commenting that its taste is something like sawdust.
Let us first of all understand that healthy foods need not be bland, since you can add a number of spices and herbs to your everyday food, to make it healthy. They add lot of flavor without making the food unhealthy. Many people don't have time to cook food mixing it with herbs and spices which will improve taste of healthy food. For such people there is certainly a way to make healthy foods taste better, more so if you are using high fat and sugary food.
Let us not presume that as a lover of chocolate, you will get natural healthy foods also taste something like chocolate, but healthy food can taste much better than they taste at present, in fact healthy can taste better than your expectations . When you want to improve nutrition to your body and would like healthy food taste better, you should start cutting on fat and sugar, and adopt healthy food. Keep off from refined food like sucrose.
Remember when you dismiss healthy food as tasting bad, the problem is with your taste buds than the food. You taste buds have been habituated to rich sweet food, and this makes you resent less flavored food. You should start adopting to situations by stopping eating unhealthy food, and substitute with more healthier ones.
While to begin with the new food can taste worse, especially when you change from high fat milk to lower fat content milk, the latter will taste like water. But after a few days, your taste buds will find them good, and you will relish the low fat milk as much as you did high fat milk, and you will start preferring the low fat milk to the higher fat content. The same can be said of any type of foods, high in carbohydrate-content like pasta, rice, ce real and bread. Instead of eating refined products like white rice or white pasta, go for brown rice and whole grain bread or past.
As earlier noted, healthy food may not taste good to begin with, especially when you are used to refined everyday food, but this will change in course of time. Even different kind of smell or texture will make you resent healthy food, but once your system starts adapting to new food, you will find that healthy food can taste better.
If you continue to eat high sugar and fat content in food and change only one item in your food menu, like replacing white bread, you will not be benefited by the other healthy foods, more so with sugar, since when you are eating high quantity of sugar, sugarless items will make your food taste bad, because of the addiction of the taste buds. To make healthy food taste better, you should get the taste buds back to normalcy but refraining from using lots of sugar. Though easily said than practices, switchi ng from unhealthy food to healthy food is difficult process but it is worth the trouble.
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