Knowing how to have healthy food choices in your kitchen will keep your family eating right. It is very difficult to stay healthy with a kitchen filled with your favorite treats and unhealthy standards. Throw out the bad and start buying the good food if you want to make any progress in your health.
THROW OUT ANYTHING WITH (Partially) HYDROGENATED OILS - Start your healthy food choices today. I am not a scientist so I can not even begin to tell you how terrible these oils are for your health, but I will say that they contribute significantly to plaque building up in your arteries and heart disease. Do not eat food with partially hydrogenated oils in it.
THROW OUT ANYTHING WITH HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP - Recently I have seen ads on television claiming that HFCS is the same as sugar. Don't be fooled. HFCS bypasses your body's natural process and goes straight to your blood stream. This is very bad for your system and contributes to obesity and getting diabetes. IT IS NOT THE SAME AS SUGAR. Sugar is healthier. Do not eat food with HFCS in it.
DON'T BUY ON THE INNER ISLES OF THE GROCERY STORE - You know where all of the packaged foods are. Try to avoid these areas. The healthy areas are around the outer isles, such as the meat department, bakery, produce, and dairy. You can make healthy food choices every time you go to the store.
CUT OUT CEREALS - Cereals are very high in sugar. I am not sure if there is such as thing as a cereal that is healthy. Any health benefits are lost with the high sugar content.
EAT STEEL CUT OATS or GROATS, NOT ROLLED OATS - Rolled oats are processed over and over again, taking out most of the goodness of the wholegrain. I know that steel cut oats take much longer to cook, but they are worth it and you can prepare a large amount ahead of time and then just heat it up each morning. If you are preparing your oats in less than 30 minutes, most likely they are not very healthy.
EAT WHOLE WHEAT BREAD - Most of the breads on the shelves at the grocery store are not healthy, I don't care what they call themselves. Buy your bread in the healthfood section of the store. Sprouted wheatberries is the best. Isn't funny that there is only a small section of the grocery store called the healthfood section. The whole store should be healthy food. Ironic.
BUY BROWN RICE - Not white rice. Sorry, no more minute rice. If your rice takes less than 50 minutes to cook, then it is not the healthy kind.
BUY WHOLE WHEAT PASTA - Are you getting the hint now. No white flour. Buy everything whole wheat.
BUY CORN TORTILLAS instead of white flour.
BUY EASY TO EAT - Fruits and vegetables in small containers, such as blueberries, tomatoes, raspberries. Lots of apples and bananas. Remember 5 servings a day. Start keeping track.
AVOID CANNED GOODS - Avoid canned goods when possible. They are usually very high in sodium.
AVOID NITRATES - Many packaged meats such as hot dogs and salami are filled with nitrates. Just another thing to be aware of.
BUY REAL CHEESE - American and Velveeta are not real cheese, they are processed cheese products or something. Buy cheddar, swiss or monterey jack.
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