Nowadays, there have been numerous types of healthy foods ranging from organic veggies to fruits as its principal ingredients. These healthy foods find its way into grocery stores to every corner at your locality. In grocery stores, normally we depend for further product identification through its label such as its ingredients, nutrient content, and the producers information; and through this we become confident regarding product identity. But actually there are some brands that contain hidden truth behind their product true identity; such as those processed junks foods claimed as natural foods and are healthy to eat. There are many hidden truth behind every food product that we purchase, as a consumer we must be very careful about the food product that we eat. If you are curious about the marketing strategies of grocery stores and aspiring to lose tummy fats, this article will be of great help to you!
There have been numerous food innovations that have been introduced to us, and these are bounded into every grocery stores packed with beautiful attractive labelling. Through each every food product labelling, weve been following these as to discern the product information detailing the product nutrient composition and ingredients. And we find all these into our grocery stores, coming into variant types from junks foods to natural organic class. Normally, we the consumers depend on the product label for its identity as well as to advertisements such as t.v. ads or in printed materials. But actually this not what it is in reality for some of the food products that we purchase; there are some brand that is claimed to be as healthy but actually is a junk. Such as for instance, youve been noticing that are many advertisements on healthy foods rather than those junk foods. When you enter on a grocery store, this goes the same if you have notice it. For this purpose, three groce ry tricks of brand marketing will be viewed to help consumers especially those who aspire to lose tummy fats.
Here are some three sad tricks on food merchandise marketing that millions of people fall everyday:
First, there are some processed products that are claimed to be better than peanut butters; there are numerous types of peanut butter brand in the market presently, and majority of these peanut butter brand showcase differential marketing strategies in aimed to attract customer indulgence for certain peanut butter brand. But actually, these doesnt goes this way; there are some peanut butter claimed as natural and healthy is actually a processed peanut butter. This is because, there are some peanut butter brand lessens the fat concentration of the peanut and replaced it with high carbohydrates syrups such as processed food flavouring; lessening the fat content of the peanut butter will actually make the peanut butter as low fat, but actually it will remove some of the most important healthy fats such as conjugated linoleic acid which contributes to tummy fats reduction.
Second, there are been numerous marketing adds showcasing that egg whites based products are more healthy than the yellow egg yolk. But actually this claim is false; this because the egg yolk is one of the healthiest and nutrient dense part of the egg where it contains huge concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals so with important healthy polyunsaturated fats. Although the egg white albumin part is also healthy due to its high protein content, the point is that whole egg are healthier than egg white albumin.
And lastly, there is this some margarine products are claimed to be healthy than butter. This premise is actually wrong! This is because margarine contains huge amount of deadly trans fats such as saturated fatty acids. While the dairy butter contains high amount of healthy fats such as conjugated linoleic acid; and much more, butter contains other healthy oil such as corn, sunflower, and soy which contains high amount polyunsaturated fats. In addition, these healthy oils that is found in the butter helps the body especially the digestive system absorb more vitamins and minerals.
These are some common truth that we do not notice everyday regarding grocery marketing strategies to fool customers. As a consumer, we must be very curious to every product that we purchase especially foods; we must not be confident with what the label states, but must inquire every details regarding the product overall identity.
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