Everybody wants to know about healthy foods to lose weight. Definitely, there's a strong relationship to your body's fat content and overall health. If a person told you they were healthy, we'd expect to see a figure that's in pretty good shape. It's a given that healthy food shouldn't make you fat, but what about healthy foods to lose weight?
Healthy foods to lose weight are everywhere in everyone's diet. These aren't magical foods that have some special property that speeds metabolism or burns fat. They're probably in your diet already, but what you've got to do is work your diet so that these foods will work for you. So, let's look further into this problem, first by looking at what foods are healthy, and then at how they work their magic.
I feel that healthy eating is very simple. Your goal is to eat as much natural food as possible. If it is processed, in a bag, jar, bottle, can, package, carton then do not eat it. If it has a used by date on it longer than 7 days, do not eat it. So what does this leave us with? Meat, fish, fowl, nuts, seeds, and colorful natural carbohydrates, such as vegetables and fruits. When you eliminate processed and packaged foods from your diet you will find that a majority of these foods are based on wheat, rice, flour and corn. Things like breads, biscuits, cereals and pastas. Many of these products are staples of our average diet and many people believe responsible for rising diabetes, obesity rates and heart disease the world over.
When you cut out the carb-rich foods, you get back to what is commonly called the "paleo diet." This diet resembles what our ancient ancestors were eating, long before the agricultural revolution came along and changed things. Nutritional science is finally starting to show that this reduced carb diet is an effective way to lose weight even in modern times. While they previously thought this was because of a lower calorie count or less water retention, what the research shows is that it helps by limiting your body's insulin.
Let's look at it scientifically. The hormone insulin is used to control how much sugar is in your blood. It is released by the pancreas to turn this extra sugar into fuel that your body can use. Insulin also has an effect on your body's storage of fat. Basically, if you eat too many carbs, your body begins storing more fat and you gain weight. When this happens for many years, it can become dangerous. The cells throughout your body become no longer sensitive to this hormone, which leads the pancreas to create more than you need. This leads to more fat storage, and a vicious cycle ensues.
So, you can forget all about fad diets, calorie counting and low-fat (low-taste) food. Instead, focus on eating healthy foods to lose weight. Eat as much natural food as you can and try to cut processed and packaged foods out of your diet. If you do this, you'll be eating the way you were meant to. Your body can then work the way it was designed to work. In other words, say goodbye to fat and its related health problems.
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